Among The Living
“Dearly beloved, we are gathered here today to get through this thing call life.” “Dearly beloved, we are gathered here today to get through this thing call life.” Words most all of us have heard from the artist known as Prince. That being said, I have seen the darkness. I have felt the darkness. I know that darkness and what it personally feels like. That hopeless feeling. It is the suffocating stigma that is suffocating the life out...
Let’s Get Naked [ARTICLE]
Naked…Not Nudity Expose yourself. Expose yourself to me. I’ll expose myself to you. Get Naked! Naked not nudity. I am talking about mental health. Get ya mind out of the pooper. I am talking about being open and honest. Laying it all out honestly, naked and unashamed. I can’t, can you imagine the courage it takes a person to run around naked, streaking? Ah, but that freedom and liberty. It must feel good. I want to be...
Gen Con, My Old Friend: Amara Cosplays at Gen Con 2024 [EVENT/PHOTO ARTICLE]
Gencon. The years pass, but the thrill remains the same. As Wednesday evening falls, the stream of geeks and gamers becomes a rushing river. This year, Gencon had over 71,000 registered attendees. We descend upon the city, bringing a vibe and energy to the entire downtown that can only be cultivated when so many birds of a feather are flocking.
Gen Con 2024: Cosplay Gallery [EVENT GALLERY]
Gen Con 2024 has an amazing number of Cosplayers. Amara Cosplays took photos of some of her favorites!
Everyone Has A Mental Issue Or They Are In Denial [ARTICLE]
Welcome to The EHAMIOTAID Project. I talk about one of, if not the most dark, heaviest, stigmatized subject matter. As if it is not dark enough add the stigma. The suffocating stigma of mental health that is suffocating the life out of us. Welcome to true horror. Living a nightmare. I am talking about MENTAL HEALTH. I hope that is ok with you all. I go about it in an unorthodox, raw, DIY manner. I will be contributing to Darkest...
I Dream of LCTC: Lexington Comic & Toy Convention 2024 [ARTICLE]
The LCTC (Lexington Comic and Toy Convention) did a wonderful job of separating areas so visitors knew where to go. The escalators had employees at the top and the bottom who could tell you where things were if you got lost, and usually had a smile, compliment or a greeting. On the first floor was where you went to get autographs/meet/greets and some photo opportunities with special guests. There was also a huge LCTC merch booth and snack stand.
Although the original Machi Koro received many raves and award nominations after its release in 2012, there were some consistency issues to playing the game that made it a little more tiresome rather than fun to play. Fortunately, Machi Koro 2 manages to improve on most every issue that the original one had!
Klank: Between Unholy and Divine Vol. 2 [ALBUM REVIEW]
Hitting the scene in ’93, Klank began as a solo project of Darren Diolosa. That changed about four years later following live performances, and Pat Servedio joined the project as a full-time member. Between Unholy and Divine Vol. 2 is the band’s 8th studio album and the long awaited follow-up to Vol. 1 that was released last year, which I would also recommend!
Senistro: Soulripper [ALBUM REVIEW]
Band/Artist: Senistro Release House: Independent Genre: Gothic Rock One Sentence Synopsis: Female fronted Gothic Rock band from Germany Series: Standalone Single/EP/Album: EP Release Date: June 23, 2022 Estimated Length: 23 minutes MSRP: $7.50 Website: Click Here Trailer/Video: Click Here Purchase Site: Click Here Reviewed by: Reverend Leviathan Final Score: 3 Moons (out of 5) Originally founded in 1991 by Ralph Zalejski,...
The Con That Was: Recapping Lexington Comic-Con 2023 [ARTICLE/EVENT]
The Lexington Comic & Toy Convention 2023 was an exciting and vibrant event that brought together thousands of comic book and toy enthusiasts from all over the country. The convention was held in Rupp Arena at the Central Bank Center, which was transformed into a bustling hub of pop culture excitement.
COVID-19 Preparedness: What Traditional Society Can Learn from The Goth Community (Article/Events)
While most of the rest of society was taken completely off-guard by COVID-19, we in the Goth community have been prepping for a time like this for years. To explain this to the outside world, let’s look at the most prevalent recommendations for dealing with the COVID-19 pandemic and see how the Goth community has instilled practices for these very things for decades.