Exposing Skeletons with Reverend Leviathan: Alla Xul Elu (A.X.E.) [INTERVIEW]
Alla Xul Elu, or A.X.E. for short, is a horrorcore rap group from Ohio, consisting of three members: Billy Obey, Joe Black, and Lee Carver. At AXEmas 3 in Dayton this year, I was lucky enough to pull them aside for a few minutes, and needless to say it was just as I expected.
Karen St. Claire: Paranormal Research Public Records [SPOKESMODEL GALLERY]
Dedicated to St. Roch, patron saint of healing against the plague and in this case during the Louisiana yellow fever epidemic… this cemetery, chapel and shrine is located off the beaten path in a quiet little area about 10 minutes outside of the French Quarter. At the paranormal division of the historical registry in New Orleans, it is noted that there are ‘sightings’ of a female sanguinary templar vampire that roams the area. She appears in human form and then vanishes into thin air. Caught on instant camera, a timeframe spanning from 1947 to 1961, she appears again and again…
FireflyReign: Broken [MODEL GALLERY]
Adventures are fun. Especially when you find places to take photos. Like broken rocks from some old building.
Karen St. Claire: Jackal’N the Ripper [SPOKESMODEL ELECT GALLERY]
In the Warehouse District of Old Saint Louis, Jackal’N strikes again! Traipsing through Benton Park in bent-minded bloodlust attack, the ripper glides past the old warehouse district and continues on past the Historic Lemp Mansion. In 1980, Life Magazine deemed the Lemp Mansion as “One of the 10 most haunted places in America”. With a reputed count of four on-site suicides within the royal family, a pedigree bloodline whose reputation grew decadently rich in pioneering the brewery world, the legend lives on. Maybe these ghosts that haunt this traumatically notorious hotspot are stirring up som
The Audience Is VAMPLIFIED: Crowning the 2019 Darkest Goth Girl [SPOTLIGHT/ANNOUNCEMENT]
The 2019 DarkestGoth Spokesmodel search has been one of the most robust in our history, as finalists were challenged not only to submit galleries, articles, and videos, but also to promote their work and show that they were community minded in the process.
At the end of the search, one contestant perpetually worked their butt off and pushed the envelope. And even when confusion and miscommunication arose, they pushed through and corrected the issues as speedily as could’ve been expected!
Karen St. Claire: The Haunted Carnival [MODEL GALLERY]
STEP RIGHT UP! Welcome to the Haunted Carnival of Lost Souls! On such a beautiful bright and sunshiny day, it is the perfect time to ring in the season of Trick or Treat! In this world of grandiose mystery and imagination, what on earth could possibly go wrong? As the afternoon sun sets from dusk to the dark of the night a mischievous reverse spin of the carousel takes on a life of its own. As the demon awakes in the cloak of the darkest hour, a haunted sinister possession takes control…. All aboard!…Hold on tight and enjoy the ride! Bwahahahahaha!!!!
KAREN ST. CLAIRE: Embracing Your Dark Side [ARTICLE]
The term “Goth” already rings a dark resonance of tubular bells, dark skies, and decaying abandoned churches in a remote countryside for the imagination gone wild. The children of the night, the dark souls that roam this earth, crawl out of the woodwork from their graffiti smeared tunnels and crumbling crypts which are just mere expressions of their sanctified comfort zones.
FireflyReign: Witch in the World [ARTICLE]
An essay about strange things that peak my interest–but then I’m strange. Weird and strange is natural.
Star Wars: Thrawn: Alliances [BOOK REVIEW]
After the events of the first book, which showed Thrawn‘s rise to power in almost a Sherlock Holmes-style narrative, as well as the events in Rebels: Season 3, which saw him trying (and failing) to remove the threat the rebels posed to the Empire, Thrawn: Alliances sets up a quest that Palpatine sends both Thrawn and Vader on to a distant part of the galaxy.
Gencon 51: A New Virgin! [ARTICLE]
Gencon, the best four days of gaming. My home turf. It feels funny calling it that, when only last year I brought you an article as my experience as a Gencon virgin. That’s one of the magical things about Gencon, the moment you get there, you feel a sense of kinship, of belonging. The air buzzes with geekery and fandom, and you feel home.
FireflyReign: Lace Tree [MODEL GALLERY]
Naturalistic model FireflyReign decides to climb/balance on some trees in this new gallery.