

Skyrim’s Dragonborn is the third and final DLC planned for the 2011 Game of the Year. Once again players take the role of the Dragonborn–or “Dovahkiin”–in a battle against an ancient evil to secure the future of Skyrim. So grab your Imperial Sword and tighten that Stormcloak Cuirass because we’re…

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If you’ve somehow played the other games in this franchise and not enjoyed them, then you may have already decided against this game. Wait! This is not your standard Far Cry fare. It has multiple redemptive qualities, and, might I say, it even has it’s own little moments of awesome shininess. It has elements of game-play that make you yearn to pick up your controller and go roaming through the jungles of the island, shooting and knifing people and animals as you go. It also has some really cool gameplay mechanics and it makes being sneaky fun, which is a huge plus…

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Borderlands 2 DLC: Krieg the Psycho [VIDEO GAME REVIEW]

Borderlands 2 DLC: Krieg the Psycho [VIDEO GAME REVIEW]

Krieg the Psycho, aside from being everything his name implies, is the ultimate all or nothing, high risk, high reward character.   His skill trees are designed to keep you pressing forward in an all-out, no holds barred attack.   Why sit behind cover and take shots at enemies or sneak in for a backstab when charging you opponent head on to deliver a face full of axe can solve the problem faster.   While using his action skill, Buzz Axe Rampage, Krieg’s melee damage and movement speed are increased.   He can also throw his axe at retreating enemies, causing them to stumble…

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Borderlands 2 DLC: Mr. Torgue’s Campaign of Carnage [VIDEO GAME REVIEW]

Borderlands 2 DLC: Mr. Torgue’s Campaign of Carnage [VIDEO GAME REVIEW]

LOOT! AND PECS! AND EXPLOSIONS! This second add-on campaign for Borderlands 2 features the over the top, American macho-man and weapons manufacturer owner, Mr. Torgue. Torgue’s insanity binds this thrilling second add-on campaign for Borderlands 2 together in a bite size chunk of everything that is Borderlands…

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Borderlands 2 [VIDEO GAME REVIEW]

Borderlands 2 [VIDEO GAME REVIEW]

For those who loved the original Borderlands, Borderlands 2 is a welcome addition to the Borderlands universe. More bandits, more dark and crude humor, more mayhem, more guns, more Pandora; Gearbox knew exactly what to do with the already successful shoot and loot formula. While it is true that Borderlands 2 doesn’t offer many big changes from the original, it does refine the concept and fully saturates the game environment to the point that it becomes a vibrant, living world, which is something the prequel hinted at but…

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Bioshock: Infinite [VIDEO GAME REVIEW]

Bioshock: Infinite [VIDEO GAME REVIEW]

Bioshock: Infinite is set in an alternate 1912 in the city in the sky known as Columbia. (For fans of the original game or just ones that play the included copy of the initial game that comes packaged with it, Columbia is a city very different than the undersea world of Rapture from the first Bioshock game.) On the surface it seems like a happy place; filled with bright colors, hummingbirds, and artistic posters. These are just a mask to hide the darkness in the city’s soul, filled with malice, hatred and evil. Racism, xenophobia, and a twisted view of religion swirl…

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Munchkin [GAME REVIEW]

Munchkin [GAME REVIEW]

Munchkin, a game of chance, teamwork, and backstabbing. It may seem a little too pun filled for some (unless you love Piers Anthony, Douglas Adams, or Terry Pratchett like I do)but it’s strong mechanics and the fun you can have playing it outweigh how many feel regardless of their stance on puns. All you need to play are three to six friends, the game itself, and a willingness to have a good time. Beer never hurts either. Though, don’t drink if you’re under age, unless of course, you’re a vampire and then I think age loses all significance.

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The Dark Meadow Review

The Dark Meadow Review

In that trend, the developers at Phosphor took the Unreal Engine and used it on a spooky and chilling mystery called Dark Meadow. While it is well worth the price of admission (which, interestingly, is the same price to purchase as a matinee admission to most theaters in the U.S.), they have cleverly devised a version of the game called Dark Meadow: The Pact, which is free.

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