Vera Croft: A Quick Glance [USER GALLERY]
A Quick Glance at the stunning Slovakian Gothic beauty, Vera Croft. Photography from Vlado Veverka, Agience Photo, and Mat Michlik.
Misty Lynn Lawless: Children of the Night Awaken [USER GALLERY]
The first DGM gallery from model Misty Lynn Lawless. Photography by Beloved November.
Munchkin [GAME REVIEW]
Munchkin, a game of chance, teamwork, and backstabbing. It may seem a little too pun filled for some (unless you love Piers Anthony, Douglas Adams, or Terry Pratchett like I do)but it’s strong mechanics and the fun you can have playing it outweigh how many feel regardless of their stance on puns. All you need to play are three to six friends, the game itself, and a willingness to have a good time. Beer never hurts either. Though, don’t drink if you’re under age, unless of course, you’re a vampire and then I think age loses all significance.
Harold and Maude [USER REVIEW]
Harold is a young man from a wealthy background. Dissatisfied with life, his favourite activity is staging fake suicides, much to the dismay of his long-suffering mother, who wishes that he would find a wife. Harold’s other hobbies include watching demolitans and attending random funerals. Also, he drives a hearse. Death-obsessed and lonely, Harold doesn’t really have any friends…well, except for one person, maybe.
Un Chien Andalou [User Review]
For me, this is the sort of film that is best interpreted emotionally. It’s a very atmospheric work, and I’d recommend just losing yourself in all of its wonderful strangeness. I wasn’t bothered too much by not fully understanding the story behind it, because it still managed to arouse all sorts of feelings inside of me. I didn’t quite understand these feelings- they were just as much a mystery to me as the film itself -but that’s just what made them so incredible to experience. If a film, or any other work of art, is capable of doing that, then I feel that it has…