Toxic Techno: Snow Shoot [GALLERY]
Model Toxic Techno loves being photographed in the snow because it’ so gorgeous.
‘Maybe It’s Photoshop’: Creating a Gothic Makeover After The Fact! [VIDEO/TUTORIAL]
The good folks at SurrealPSD decided to show how you can use compositing and processing effects to create an awesome Gothic Makeover with this new Photoshop video tutorial.
Toxic Techno: Cemetery Shoot [GALLERY]
Fun cemetery shoot with model Toxic Techno shows how cool it can be to be around grave stones!
Steve Jackson’s Sorcery! 3: The Seven Serpents [VIDEO GAME REVIEW]
In concluding the last game, Kharé, Cityport of Traps, we unraveled a mystery involving mages and an invasion that permitted our adventurer to escape Kharé with our hide intact and made our way into the forbidding wastelands known as the Baklands. In this new chapter, we find ourselves in the Baklands blazing a trail for the metropolis of Mapang—home to the deadly keep where the Archmage who has taken the stolen crown has fled—only to discover that 7 deadly serpents are hunting us. These serpents are the treacherous servants of the Archmage and, those who don’t kill us, will rush back to…
Blind Night: Could Netflix’ Daredevil become the most successful Comic Translation? [EDITORIAL/ARTICLE]
For those of us who love comics, the announcement that Marvel TV inked a four franchise deal with Netflix in 2013 to take some of their grittier properties and make TV shows out of them was a little confusing. Obviously, Rated R properties have no place in Marvel Studios new cinematic feature film universe which is decidedly PG-13, but would the Netflix shows be cheap, hokey takeoffs on these Marvel properties? (After all, Marvel TV’s own Agents of Shield on ABC has been hemorrhaging fans since its creation.)
Souls and Crows: Haunting The Tower of London [ARTICLE]
The Tower of London is a very old building dating back to 1000, strongly backed by William the Conqueror. It’s not a single “tower”, in fact it is a very large complex consisting of 21 different towers and various buildings that over the years have served as a royal residence, fortress and prison. The tower was the place of many atrocities and torture, renowned for the diabolical instruments developed within it.
Based on the short story “The Reaper’s Image” from bestselling author Stephen King comes a bone chilling tale about a museum curator, Johnson Spangler, who seeks a prized antique mirror that is rumored to be cursed. Denying the mirror’s dark past, Johnson must purchase it from sleazy antique shop owner Samuel Claggert. Upon purchase, Johnson must remove it from the shop’s attic with guide Mr. Carlin who is scared to death of the DeIver Glass. The two journey to find the prized possession, but it isn’t the only thing they find. They say only chosen people can see the reaper’s image in…
Wretched Thoughts: Digging Into Grave Robber [INTERVIEW]
Recently I was able to attend a performance by horror punk band, Grave Robber. Their songs have deep spiritual meanings embedded in imagery of horror, gore, shock value and other things you might find in a Romero flick. The lead singer and “shovel bearer” Wretched was nice enough to give me the pleasure of an interview.
Dulce De Leche & Bacon Bagel [RECIPE/ARTICLE]
If you’re unfamiliar with the caramel known as Dulce De Leche…or are unfamiliar with how salt and sweet create a magical symphony…then this recipe may just open doors to cooking creativity that you never dreamed of!
On the other hand, if you’re familiar with both, then this recipe may well be one you haven’t tried yourself and could inspire you to go into an entirely new direction! To give you an idea of what you’re creating, think of the most sinfully decadent, caramel covered Cinnabon you’ve ever had, jack it up another 100% in flavor, and you begin to understand what a treat…
The Last American Vampire [BOOK REVIEW]
If you’ve been following DarkestGoth since we began, you know that I personally loved the film adaptation of Abraham Lincoln: Vampire Hunter. It seems like those critics that missed the point on this film failed to understand the premise of fantastic historic fiction…that the goal is not to tie into ones’ own preconceived notions, but to meet the facts that we currently have and fill in gaps with story arcs that are plausible and, moreover, interestingly insightful into a time and era that is often a mystery to the modern…
Nara Gordon: Variatons on a Mummy [ART GALLERY]
Gothic model Nara Gordon goes to the Masquerade as a rope mummy. In this art gallery, we explore a variety of stylistic variations on this theme. Photographer: Ken Lawson.
Post-Artist: DarkestGoth Photography.