‘Maybe It’s Photoshop’: Creating a Gothic Makeover After The Fact! [VIDEO/TUTORIAL]
The good folks at SurrealPSD decided to show how you can use compositing and processing effects to create an awesome Gothic Makeover with this new Photoshop video tutorial.
Blind Night: Could Netflix’ Daredevil become the most successful Comic Translation? [EDITORIAL/ARTICLE]
For those of us who love comics, the announcement that Marvel TV inked a four franchise deal with Netflix in 2013 to take some of their grittier properties and make TV shows out of them was a little confusing. Obviously, Rated R properties have no place in Marvel Studios new cinematic feature film universe which is decidedly PG-13, but would the Netflix shows be cheap, hokey takeoffs on these Marvel properties? (After all, Marvel TV’s own Agents of Shield on ABC has been hemorrhaging fans since its creation.)
Souls and Crows: Haunting The Tower of London [ARTICLE]
The Tower of London is a very old building dating back to 1000, strongly backed by William the Conqueror. It’s not a single “tower”, in fact it is a very large complex consisting of 21 different towers and various buildings that over the years have served as a royal residence, fortress and prison. The tower was the place of many atrocities and torture, renowned for the diabolical instruments developed within it.
Wretched Thoughts: Digging Into Grave Robber [INTERVIEW]
Recently I was able to attend a performance by horror punk band, Grave Robber. Their songs have deep spiritual meanings embedded in imagery of horror, gore, shock value and other things you might find in a Romero flick. The lead singer and “shovel bearer” Wretched was nice enough to give me the pleasure of an interview.
Dulce De Leche & Bacon Bagel [RECIPE/ARTICLE]
If you’re unfamiliar with the caramel known as Dulce De Leche…or are unfamiliar with how salt and sweet create a magical symphony…then this recipe may just open doors to cooking creativity that you never dreamed of!
On the other hand, if you’re familiar with both, then this recipe may well be one you haven’t tried yourself and could inspire you to go into an entirely new direction! To give you an idea of what you’re creating, think of the most sinfully decadent, caramel covered Cinnabon you’ve ever had, jack it up another 100% in flavor, and you begin to understand what a treat…
Terror and Wonder: The Gothic Imagination [ARTICLE/EVENT]
The British Library’s exibition dedicated to the birth and evolution of the Gothic genre over the last 250 years. The curator of the event Tim Pye said: “The Gothic is one of the most popular and influential genres and we are happy that this exhibition has worthily celebrated its history spanning 250 years.”
Meta-Art: The New Face of Interactive Expression, Part 3 [ARTICLE]
Due to the power of these sort of “meta-art” concepts, the draw of incredible, tense movies like The Game, Inside Man, and Ocean’s Eleven, and the popularity of things like LARPing, some companies, like Lexington, Kentucky’s The Breakout Games, have decided to see about bringing the metagames found in complex board games and video games and the scenarios reserved to for edge of your seat thriller films to real life! (There are other companies with similar types of offerings out there, so, if you’re not in the Kentucky area, you can likely find places like this in your area. I’m going into…
Meta-Art: The New Face of Interactive Expression, Part 2 [ARTICLE]
When video games grew popular, it was assumed that people would play these animated games when they were children (when children already play a lot of games) and then grow out of them. But we began to learn that people didn’t grow out of them, but instead craved more complex mysteries and stories as they aged. This led to pivotal games like Myst and Rivven, which started the modern video game trend of well-created story and making your players use their brains, not just their reflexes. At the current rate of consumption of complex and morally challenging video games, in the near future…
Meta-Art: The New Face of Interactive Expression, Part 1 [ARTICLE]
It’s hard to be a modern creative person without having been exposed to conversations about the “meta-game” or the “meta-content” that’s behind modern creative works. This is made all the more confusing due to the fact that the concept behind how it’s now use in New Media is a hybrid of the noun version of this word, the adjective version, and something else. The French have a phrase called “Je ne sais quoi” which literally translated means “I know not what”—as in, there’s something else about what I’m talking about, but I can’t put my finger on it. It would be appropriate…
Treasured Memories: Italian Cemetery Art [ARTICLE]
Most of the cemeteries in Italy are the mirror of the curious taste and customs of an era and they preserve the works of the greatest sculptors at the turn of the nineteenth and twentieth century.
The cimiterial statues, due to their beauty and the meaning who accompanies them, have the specific purpose of paying tribute to the memory of one who is no longer among us: the funeral art allows to create true masterpieces designed to commemorate the memory of our loved ones.
Morganville Vampires brought to YouTube: Geek & Sundry Attempts Impossible [VIDEO]
If you’ve read Rachel Caine’s interesting and slow-burn developing series, The Morganville Vampires, you probably never thought it could be brought to anything other than network TV. However, Geek & Sundry, after launching other original shows like Spellslingers, TableTop, and the Guild, decided to help bring the kickstarted campaign for film to their YouTube channel through the mini-medium of web-length episodes.