Illuminating Batman V. Superman: 12 Theories Revealed [FILM EDITORIAL]
So you’ve now seen Batman v. Superman (B vs. S) and, if you’re like me, have a lot of concepts swirling around in your head. For regular readers of DarkestGoth, I’m going to assume that one of the thoughts swirling in your head was NOT that “this movie is too dark.” Unrelenting and deep? Yes. Confusing and dense? Maybe. Too dark? No. Arranged loosely in order of appearance in the film are my 12 theories on this film, some of which will hopefully give you new reasons to enjoy and respect this impressive film that’s been getting a lot of hatred. [WARNING: SPOILERS AHEAD]
Bloodbound: Pathfinder Tales [BOOK REVIEW]
Larsa is OFFICIALLY a Royal Accuser-the Pathfinder equivalent of the U.S. Marshalls meets the KGB-in the Ustalavian capital of Caliphas. Somewhat like the Marvel Knights’ character, Blade, she’s also half-Vampire/half-human (a half-breed known as a dhampir), which causes her to be held in contempt by both humans and vampires. Despite her pariah status, Siervage-the designated leader of the Vampires in Ustalav-has found a use for Larsa’s unique skills: vampire hunter. More like vampire dog catcher, she’s required to hunt down and destroying any rogue spawn who endanger the pact he’s made bet
Martial Arts: The Card Game [GAME REVIEW]
Many of our readers have trained in (or at least, have a love for) the martial arts. While Martial Arts is often seen as referring only to oriental martial arts (ie kungfu, karate, tae kwan do, muay thai), it is actually a much broader concept that can refer to any form of combat arts, from boxing to krav maga. When a stylist combines various elements of contrasting combat arts, this is popularly referred to as mixed martial arts (MMA) and, with the help of the Ultimate Fighting Championship, has become the second most watched sport in the USA, behind football.
Skull & Shackles: Pathfinder Adventure Card Game [GAME REVIEW]
If you love the fantastical world of Golarion from Paizo’s Pathfinder series and want to explore the less well-known pirate life within this world, then the Skull & Shackles edition of the Pathfinder Adventure Card Game is one you’ll definitely want to check out!
Crimson Shore [BOOK REVIEW]
After his near death experience a few months ago, agent Pendergast decides to take a smaller case–one that deals with a wine theft in the tiny town of Exmouth, Massachusetts. However, shortly after arriving, the murder of a visiting writer in a darkly occult manner forces Pendergast and his exceptional ward, Constance, to explore Exmouth’s dark history involving rumors of mass murder, shipwrecks, and witchcraft.
Editor’s Recut: The Star Wars Prequels Become Watchable [ARTICLE/VIDEO]
With the Star Wars Episode VII coming our next week, if you’re like us, you’ve already watched through the Steelbooks of episodes IV, V, and VI! But wouldn’t it be great if somehow the prequels hadn’t sucked, so you could watch those too? If there had been an editor who could’ve told George Lucas ‘No’ on some of the bad ideas that made it into those films?
From Russia with Love: In-Depth Spotlight with our 2016 DarkestGoth Girl, Parket [INTERVIEW]
With our recent announcement of Russian alternative model, Parket, as our 2016 DarkestGoth Girl (the first global Spokesmodel we’ve had since 2013’s Leslie Fenix), we had the chance to sit down and chat with her about who she is, what her passions are, and what she’s recently begun exploring!
Pre-Star Wars VII Canon: Aiming for the Sky and Missing The Universe [ENTERTAINMENT EDITORIAL]
Like a lot of people, I’m very excited about the new Star Wars film, The Force Awakens. Also like a lot of us, our experience with Star Wars is bittersweet.
I remember being around 8 years old when an uncle of mine showed me Star Wars for the first time on VHS and I was hooked. When I visited my aunt and uncles in Paris, France when I was 16 for a month, I grew so homesick and the only English movie they had to watch was Star Wars–and it reminded me of what I loved about the fantasy adventure there.
I Ain’t Afraid of No Ghosts: Cryptozoic’s Adam Sblendorio on Ghostbusters Tabletop Game [ARTICLE]
A couple weeks ago, at Gen Con, I had the pleasure of sitting down with Cryptozoic’s Vice President of Creative, Adam Sblendorio. Cryptozoic is one of the better known Indie game houses to explore licensed IP (intellectual property) in their games. They’ve been responsible for the trading card game versions of The Lord of the Rings and DC Heroes, as well as original creations like Epic Spell Wars of The Battle Wizards: Duel at Mt. Skullzfyre (which was recently featured on Wil Wheaton’s Tabletop). Their Halloween release will be the board game version of Ghostbusters, something that…
Finding a Path through the Darkness: A Gen Con Look at Paizo’s Creepy New Releases [EVENT/ARTICLE]
Paizo is one of those companies that shows just how a creative manufacturer can go from a smaller Indie game expansion company to a major power player in just 7 years. The now iconic Pathfinder roleplaying system may have been based on D&D’s 3.5 Open Gaming License mechanics when it was released in 2008, but it has steadily evolved since then, at times passing D&D in sales, and spinning off a catalog of expansions, classes, maps, and figurines, to say nothing of the successful card game variation that debuted…