COVID-19 Preparedness: What Traditional Society Can Learn from The Goth Community (Article/Events)

COVID-19 Preparedness: What Traditional Society Can Learn from The Goth Community (Article/Events)

While most of the rest of society was taken completely off-guard by COVID-19, we in the Goth community have been prepping for a time like this for years. To explain this to the outside world, let’s look at the most prevalent recommendations for dealing with the COVID-19 pandemic and see how the Goth community has instilled practices for these very things for decades.

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Master & Apprentice [BOOK REVIEW]

Master & Apprentice [BOOK REVIEW]

separates him from his padawan. With his own master being the now departed Jedi, Dooku, Qui-Gon is often as much at odds with the Jedi council as he is with his student—so he is completely dumbfounded when he is actually invited to join the Jedi council itself.

To do so, however, he’ll have to stop being Obi-Wan’s master and find a replacement master for him. He asks for time to think and, as he does so, he gets a summon by the council to do a last mission before he makes up his mind: rejoin another of Dooku’s former students, Jedi Rael Averross, in quelling a terrorist group…

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The New Batch: Lexington Comic & Toy Con 2019 [EVENT/GALLERY]

The New Batch: Lexington Comic & Toy Con 2019 [EVENT/GALLERY]

We had a chance to check out the new Lexington Comic & Toy Convention and were really impressed by what was on display!

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The Audience Is VAMPLIFIED: Crowning the 2019 Darkest Goth Girl [SPOTLIGHT/ANNOUNCEMENT]

The Audience Is VAMPLIFIED: Crowning the 2019 Darkest Goth Girl [SPOTLIGHT/ANNOUNCEMENT]

The 2019 DarkestGoth Spokesmodel search has been one of the most robust in our history, as finalists were challenged not only to submit galleries, articles, and videos, but also to promote their work and show that they were community minded in the process.

At the end of the search, one contestant perpetually worked their butt off and pushed the envelope.  And even when confusion and miscommunication arose, they pushed through and corrected the issues as speedily as could’ve been expected!

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Star Wars: Thrawn: Alliances [BOOK REVIEW]

Star Wars: Thrawn: Alliances [BOOK REVIEW]

After the events of the first book, which showed Thrawn‘s rise to power in almost a Sherlock Holmes-style narrative, as well as the events in Rebels: Season 3, which saw him trying (and failing) to remove the threat the rebels posed to the Empire, Thrawn: Alliances sets up a quest that Palpatine sends both Thrawn and Vader on to a distant part of the galaxy.

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The Pharaoh Key [BOOK REVIEW]

The Pharaoh Key [BOOK REVIEW]

When Gideon Crew and his co-worker, Manuel Garza, find themselves quietly “fired” from Effective Engineering Services by their brilliant (and newly healed) boss, Eli Glinn, they both harbor a lot of anger and resentment. Crew—because his deadly prognosis was never cured by the work that somehow cured Glinn—and Garza, because he wasn’t given an appropriate send-off for a decade of loyal service other than a gold Rolex. But when they realize they can uncover the solution to a rare artifact called the Phaistos Disc under Glinn’s nose, they both jump at the chance to go on one last…

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City of Endless Night [BOOK REVIEW]

City of Endless Night [BOOK REVIEW]

With Constance Green in a remote monastery, Special Agent A.X.L. Pendergast finds life to be unbearably dull and flavorless—until he’s “punished” by being assigned to the death and decapitation of a dot-com socialite by his boss, who’s still not over Pendergast’s behavior in the last tale.

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Verdict on Crimson Fields: World of Prime #4 [BOOK REVIEW]

Verdict on Crimson Fields: World of Prime #4 [BOOK REVIEW]

After realizing the portal to earth can’t be achieved at the level of prophet unless he has no interest in returning to Prime, Christopher elects to stay behind so that he can raise himself to the highest level of tael user when he can open a portal that goes two ways to the realm of man. But to do that he’ll have to prove to the current king that he’s not a traitor due to the alliances he made with the Ulven Men and Elves…

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Judgment at Verdant Court: World of Prime #3 [BOOK REVIEW]

Judgment at Verdant Court: World of Prime #3 [BOOK REVIEW]

After The mother of a dead Druid shows up at his base of operations, Christopher is forced to agree to track down an old friend who killed her daughter. With the help of her tracker son, D’Kan (that Christopher had resurrected against his people’s wishes), they mount an expedition into the darkest reaches of the wilderness. Cannan—the fugitive being sought—had been Christopher’s loyal protector until he had been gifted a black-infused ring which preyed upon him and twisted him to the dark side. If they can track him down and keep him alive long enough to remove the ring, only the unlikely…

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Gold Throne in Shadow: World of Prime #2 [BOOK REVIEW]

Gold Throne in Shadow: World of Prime #2 [BOOK REVIEW]

After dying at the hands of mysterious torturers and being brought back to life by a Saint of the Lady, Christopher finds himself required to prove himself to the King with a new assignment. The exploration of this assignment reveals more fully the presence of different color powers that are at war with the White throughout the kingdom and beyond, most notably the greed-run Yellow church and a black-aligned Sorcerer.

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