Band/Artist: Pozar
Release House: Independent
Genre: Black Metal, Atmospheric
One Sentence Synopsis: Debut full-length album from Pozar
Series: Standalone
Single/EP/Album: Album
Release Date: 11-16-19
Running Time: 45 min
MSRP: $7.00
Website: Click Here
Sample/Music Video: Click Here
Purchase Site: Click Here
Reviewed by: Reverend Leviathan
Final Score: 4.0 Moons (Out of 5.0)
Pozar is the latest project from Polish black metal icon Fire. Previously, Fire was known for Elgibbor, Tertullian, Frost Like Ashes, and countless others. Contrary to the three named, Pozar is much more personal and toned down religiously speaking. Fire is the first full-length album from Pozar, all instrumentation performed by Fire.
Opening with the title track, “Fire” brings us in slowly with a long intro of keys like a pipe organ and strings, giving it a more atmospheric touch than his previous projects (The Imminent Invasion by Elgibbor being the one exception). Then we get hit with the very classic raw sounding black metal that runs throughout the album. This song is an introduction to who he is (“a warrior, a fire in the dark”).
“My Precious” moves into the more fast paced, brutal sound with a really catchy bridge that even takes on a punk atmosphere for a second, as it sounds like Fire is describing being tempted by the Devil. Then he really surprises us by slowing things down quite a bit, giving an almost totally atmospheric black metal influence with “New Morning.” One of the songs that he sings in his native Polish tongue, at times it sounds very folk.
The song that I – and I expect many of us – really connected with has got to be “Black Sheep,” my favorite song on the album. Musically I really dig the melody and rhythm. Lyrically it spoke to me more than any other track. “I’m not like everyone…why do you do this to me…why do you throw stones at me.” Second favorite song is most definitely “The Hammer,” as I believe the sound of a choir and chanting always adds some beauty to black metal.
I have been a fan of Fire’s for quite a few years now, owning numerous albums from his three other bands named above. Something I’ve always admired about his albums is the rawness. Fire still retains that raw sound, but the mixing is done so well and his sound in Pozar is slightly different that the quality of this just seems so much better than previous releases. The sound quality really comes out in the song “Nehustan’s Kiss,” with the low tones and bass not overpowering the guitars. Being that this a one man project and he was responsible for production, mixing and mastering, I am extremely impressed.
While Elgibbor was much more vocal about his religious beliefs, it was cool to hear his lyrics take on a more personal level in Pozar. Mind you, he still discusses his faith, but unlike Elgibbor he doesn’t have songs that are basically Bible verses put to black metal music. And the lyrics are simple but meaningful.
Audience Fit
Black metal lovers, especially those who prefer raw black metal, would most likely dig this album. Fans of Fire’s previous Elgibbor project may be surprised by a slight genre shift, as it’s not as brutal and also not filled with Biblical quotations and references. I would strongly recommend to fans of Immortal.
Closing Thoughts
Pozar is now one of my favorite projects of Fire, and Fire gets “Best Underground Black Metal Album of 2019” from DarkestGoth!
Theme: 4.0 Moons (out of 5.0)
Presentation: 3.0 Moons (out of 5.0)
Audience Fit: 4.5 Moons (out of 5.0)
Final Score (not an average): 4.0 Moons (out of 5.0)