FireflyReign: Witch in the World [ARTICLE]

The world is a mess, let’s just face that.

I don’t find myself worried about things much. If there’s a problem or a challenge, take it one day at a time, planning is good to, but then you lose track of the present.

In the mess of a world, it’s left to think that anyone or anything different is bad.

Growing up I was judged on how I dressed or what I listened to, people just assumed whatever they wanted.  It was difficult at first but being who I was meant to be, finding myself, and looking for positive surroundings or people who understood me made me forget about the world trying to bring me down.

Myself, when I became more vocal and public about my beliefs and what I do and am into, I was constantly told I worship the devil, I’m going to hell, I’m a sinner, blah blah, so on. That my photography was a problem.

If it’s a problem then I’ll try and educate or try and agree to disagree.

I walk my path, believe what I believe, dance with the moon, I live for me. I do what I do for myself, not for anyone else, people may judge you or be short minded, but at the end of the day: we each live for ourselves, to make ourselves grow, become happy and successful.

The only issue I feel is ever an actual threat, is hate, and those who need support for whatever reason not being able to get it.

I want to encourage people, to do what makes them happy: be expressive, experiment, try, make a mess, fail, succeed; it’s all part of life and, at the end of the day, it’s all beautiful.

There’s beauty in everything. Light and dark


Author: FireflyReign

5'4 Ohio Model, artist, photographer, creator, writer. Making beauty out of darkness Dreams for the future, hopeful horror productions in the making. Find me on Instagram fireflyreign & Facebook Firefly_Reign

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