Welcome to The EHAMIOTAID Project. I talk about one of, if not the most dark, heaviest, stigmatized subject matter. As if it is not dark enough add the stigma. The suffocating stigma of mental health that is suffocating the life out of us. Welcome to true horror. Living a nightmare. I am talking about MENTAL HEALTH. I hope that is ok with you all. I go about it in an unorthodox, raw, DIY manner. I will be contributing to Darkest Goth on a regular basis.
When it comes to the stigma what we have been given to believe about mental health are lies. LIES!!! The stigma is something that was created by pride, arrogance and the ignorance of people that hide in denial. Those that are overcome by their pride, arrogance and ignorance are the ones that I feel are the sickest with mental health. To come out of denial and into acceptance is a great place for healing to begin. I know. I acknowledge. I accept. I have Mental Health Issues. So do you. It is normal. It is OK. I am no longer embarrassed or ashamed. I grew up believing Health was Physical Health, and Mental Health was something taboo or bad. It is a lie. Both Physical and Mental are both defined as Health and everyone has it. Everyone has a Mental Issue. That word “everyone” means just that, everyone. We are the MAJORITY not the minority.
DISCLAIMER: I do not have a Doctrine, Degree or Diploma. I have experience. I am not a doctor or making any diagnosis. I am not giving out random advice. According to some, that are misguided and wrong, I am not even qualified. See, that is another lie. I am as qualified to talk and crusade about something that I have a passion about as the next person. I am not eloquent, polished or groomed to do this but, I do it, if I don’t who will? DIY! Everything that has ever been done in the past has failed when it comes to suicide prevention. When was the last time the suicide rate got to a point of acceptable? Never, of course, and as long as there are people suffocating, dying from the suffocating stigma of Mental Health there is a job to do. It is past time to take this into our own hands and support one another. You are worth it. NAMI and Celebrate Recovery are two support groups you can go to. I have been a guest speaker on different occasions at these places and many more around the USA and Canada.
Closing Thoughts
So, this is where you the people come in. Start the conversation. Make it awkward if you have to. Tell your story. You will be amazed at the people who will join in and are waiting to hear it. People are dying, waiting for you to tell your story. I am on a mission. Doing my best to provoke and instigate whoever however I can to get you to join me. I invite you! I triple dog dare you!! I beg you!! Please join me!
If you want to connect you can follow me on:
January 22, 2025
January 30, 2025
February 14, 2025
February 14, 2025
March 16, 2025